Waiting...not so patiently anymore
Well, our son's due date was yesterday (Sept 7), and yesterday has come and gone. So, now we just wait...not so patiently I must confess. I've grown weary of the following questions and commentary:
-Wow, you're still here!
-So where's that baby?
-You're really a trooper! OR You're a real champ! (These comments are popular when you make any sort of public appearance in your last weeks of pregnancy.)
-Can you tell us his name?
-Wasn't he due a week or two ago?!
I feel like wearing a t-shirt that just says, "I'm fine, the baby's clearly not here yet, and we'll let you know when things change."
I don't mean to get cynical or too bothered by all of this, but this is a strange time in our lives I must say. I keep reminding us only God truly knows our son's birthday, which sometimes seems comforting and sometimes feels almost unfair. He's only one day late, and I feel like I sound like we've been waiting as long as Brent's aunt waited. (She told me today that she was 29 days overdue with one of her kids!) I'm sure that the next time I post we'll have pictures of our precious son, but for now we wait. This is a good lesson in patience I know. -Tara
-Wow, you're still here!
-So where's that baby?
-You're really a trooper! OR You're a real champ! (These comments are popular when you make any sort of public appearance in your last weeks of pregnancy.)
-Can you tell us his name?
-Wasn't he due a week or two ago?!
I feel like wearing a t-shirt that just says, "I'm fine, the baby's clearly not here yet, and we'll let you know when things change."
I don't mean to get cynical or too bothered by all of this, but this is a strange time in our lives I must say. I keep reminding us only God truly knows our son's birthday, which sometimes seems comforting and sometimes feels almost unfair. He's only one day late, and I feel like I sound like we've been waiting as long as Brent's aunt waited. (She told me today that she was 29 days overdue with one of her kids!) I'm sure that the next time I post we'll have pictures of our precious son, but for now we wait. This is a good lesson in patience I know. -Tara
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