The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gavin's 2 year birthday party - Part 2

Gavin had no qualms about digging right into his birthday cupcake.
He's so funny about cupcakes. He won't let me touch the paper (as in, taking it off) so he licks all of the frosting off first and then takes small bites from the top before he'll finally give in and remove the paper.
Another special birthday treat: juice boxes! I can't imagine that he's getting much juice out in this picture since the straw is practically coming out of the box.
Gavin sat on Daddy's lap for a lot of the gift-opening. It took him a few gifts to catch on to the whole thing, but soon he was running over to the gift table and ripping the paper off of each one. He had some help from some of his buddies, too, which was quite adorable and didn't really seem to bother Gavin.
Here we are: the proud parents of our spunky little two-year-old boy. What a joy and treasure he's been in our lives over the past two years. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate him that day. It was a really special day.


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