The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gage Nicholas Koel - #2 of 3

This little dude sleeps ALL the time!!! We're not gonna complain about it, nor are we gonna assume that it will last forever. But, it's almost effortless to get Gage to sleep, which was not our recollection of the early days with Gavin.
Speaking of Big Brother, here's his first encounter with Gage. He marched into the hospital and said, "Where's Baby Brother?" I can't imagine how his mind must have processed the whole "one-day-Mama-has-a-big-tummy-the-next-day-the-baby-is-in-a-blanket" thing. He was sweet and gentle with the baby at first, and then he did his own thing for awhile before he "pet" Gage on his way out.
Nothing beats being a mommy for the first--or second!--time, though you can't exactly see that in my face right here. I was exhausted!
What a precious little thing! I've loved Gavin's recent comments about Gage: "Look at those tiny ears! See his tiny toe?"
Things I had forgotten:

-the unspeakable joy of meeting your baby for the first time
-how exhausting the first weeks are
-how fast and far the baby's first poops can squirt and, hence, how many newborn diapers you can go a day :)
-just how tiny the baby's ears, fingers and toes are
-that I could stare at the baby and his features for hours on end
-how special nursing is


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with you 100%

January 22, 2010 at 1:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I thought kids were not aloud in the hospital rooms?

January 22, 2010 at 1:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How beautiful he is!!! I love that even Gavin could appreciate his tiny toes and ears!

January 30, 2010 at 1:09 PM  

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