The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cleaning the bike...

It seems like, lately, this has been one of Brent's favorite pastimes with all of the wet 'n dry weather we've been having: cleaning the bike. Gavin likes to come out and "help" Daddy and ride his own little bike outside too. We love that bike--the Strider--and think that it will be a great alternative to training wheels. He's so good at coasting on it now, and I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I think that I could even see him participating in the little kid versions of Brent's bike races this summer. I remember looking at those tikes on their pedal-less bikes last summer and wondering if I could imagine Gavin being among them....and now, I dare say, I can even imagine him winning! He flies on that little bike these days.


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