The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, July 5, 2010

Gage up close...

OK, which contest do we enter this picture in?! Brent caught an amazing shot of Gage here, didn't he? Those two baby teeth are still the only ones for now, and they're getting quite sharp and long. He's starting to sit up by himself from this little tripod position, and he rocks back and forth like his brother did to practice crawling. I think he's taken one or two little crawls forward, but he's not on the move yet. I'm so thankful for that. I have visions of chasing him around the house with a burp cloth to prevent him from flooding our carpet with milk. (Have I mentioned that this child spits up A LOT?)

You can't go wrong with a naked baby picture, can you? Gage's six month check-up is on Monday (what?!), so we'll have to post again soon with his height and weight stats. We'll ask the doctor one more time about the excessive amount of spit-up; we hope it's not acid reflux. It definitely doesn't seem to be slowing him down weight-wise; he's probably up to about 18 pounds by now. We are so blessed by all of his smiles and laughter.


Blogger Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

He is a DOLL! When did he get so big? I feel like you just had him! Seriously!

I hope now that he's sitting up more the spitting up ceases. What a drag!

July 20, 2010 at 10:05 AM  

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