The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Short-haired Little Man...

The top picture kills me. What a funny face on Gage! I insisted on the short hair with the boys' hair stylist the other day, in an attempt to avoid being back there again next week. Their hair grows so fast! And Daddy is convinced that I'd scalp them (or something?!) so he won't let me save the money by cutting their hair myself. I mean, how badly could I really cut their hair?!

I have to say that our gal did a pretty "bang up" job with this last cut. I know she thought I was crazy when I kept telling her to cut it shorter, but this way we won't be wiping his hair out of his eyes tomorrow. And he looks adorable! (Though I don't know what you'd have to do to him for him not to look that way.)


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