I loved watching Gavin just sizing this whole deal up. Am I supposed to go really fast? What do I get if I win? Who are these other kids racing with me? I like her helmet. Is that a tricycle I see? I thought this was a bike race!

Most of the parents ran alongside their kids on the sidewalk, so Brent took this picture from there. Gavin's the second one in the silver helmet. The whole race was like two blocks of the real race course that Brent rode later.

I think Brent said that Gavin probably got fourth place, and I liked how that didn't seem to mean anything to Gavin one way or another. We were so proud of him! And he had fun, which is always the most important part, as far as Mommy is concerned. Can you see the number pinned to his back? Though it was a just a fun ride for the kids, I liked how they got to do "real" things like put on their own racing numbers...just like Daddy. Both of our boys look up to their daddy so much. Happy Father's Day, Babe! You're a great dad :)
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