We recently took a family trip to the Bay, our local public water hole. (It's actually really nice and relatively inexpensive, so that's nice.) The water wings have been a life-saver (and a back-saver too) with Gage lately. I think we forgot how much we liked having those with Gavin at this age.

All of these pictures were taken at the little kids' pool area, which has cute slides and waterfalls and is the perfect depth for our boys.

Can you tell how much Gage loves the water?! The only problem with that (because Gavin is the same way) is that neither of our children has enough fear of the water. I think Gavin may actually be starting to understand that better as a result of his ongoing swimming lessons at the rec center. It's a real challenge for me to take the boys swimming by myself during the week, though I would really like to do it more since it's been in the 90s so much lately. We grew up with a neighborhood pool where we spent SO many summer days, and I really wish that we had something like that for the boys within walking distance. Oh well, they've taken to the sprinklers in the back yard lately, and that's cheap and easy!
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