The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yard fun...

This makes me laugh. I just barely got out this new baby pool (at the end of the summer), and I sort of thought that it might be too small to do anything with. But the boys didn't seem to mind the tininess of it one bit. Give them water and the outdoors, and they're happy.

Here's a picture of Brent going over the deck a second time. He spent the entire summer sanding our deck to remedy the splinter dilemma and give the boys a safe place to play. We need to take a picture of the finished product now (post sanding and staining), because it's finally all done and it looks awesome!

Are you getting a sense for how small this pool is? To see them enjoying it at all made me wish that I would have pulled it out much earlier in the summer.

I'm trying to remember what Gavin was pointing to in this picture. I think it was a spider. These boys love their spiders and insects. Maybe I've gotten braver just by watching them.


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