The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"Bob the Builder" fan club...

Gavin's just along for the ride on this one, but it's Gage who was recently begging for "Bob the Builder" at home multiple times a day. And we all got sick of it, accept for Gage, because prior to Christmas we only had one recorded episode on the t.v. No one here needed to see or hear anymore about Pirate Brickbeard and the golden hammer.

What a crack up! Isn't it funny to consider who/what/how things become popular and well-liked among kids? Thanks to family Christmas presents, Gage is all decked out with Bob DVDs and even a Bob the Builder doll. (The curious thing about the doll is that Gage has been throwing him down a lot, and then he'll promptly say, "Sorry." And sometimes he even speaks for "Bobby" and says, "'Give you," which is Gage's version of I forgive you. My mom speculates that Gage is totally reenacting what happens to him with Gavin, which makes sense.)


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