The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th festivities...

A nearby church hosts an awesome spread of 4th of July activities every year, and of course my favorite part is that it's FREE. Here Gavin and I are enjoying the old fashioned fire truck ride side by side.

And Gage loved every minute of the firetruck ride too, of course! His smile usually tells most of the story.

There is a petting zoo there, also, and Gage is brushing a baby goat in this picture.

Probably my favorite part of this event is watching Gavin ride on these little ponies every year, and this year he was joined by his brother, too. Gage wants to do everything that Gavin does, but only a few months ago he opted out of the pony ride at Sunflower Farm, so I was happily surprised that he willingly participated on the 4th. Funny how fast kids can get over their fears.

Oh boy, my two little cowboys are so cute...and so much work sometimes, too. But they're always worth it!


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