The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lemonade, anyone?

We had a garage sale with a friend this summer and made about $300!  Brent was thrilled to get rid of so much stuff, I was thrilled that he was thrilled and Gavin was thrilled to be selling lemonade for a quarter a cup.  And donuts, too.  He was quite the little businessman, and he did great taking his job seriously.  We had a tip jar that benefited the library at the Musana Children's Home in Africa (a children's ministry project at the church), and everything was going along swimmingly until Gavin stood up and the whole lemonade stand tipped over, breaking the glass dispenser and tip jar and a little of Gavin's heart, though not his spirit.  He was actually pretty good about it, and the unfortunate accident made for a good stopping place since Brent was ready to ride bikes with the boys and move on from the sale.  I have to laugh because, much to Brent's chagrin, I've passed down my love of garage sales to both of my boys.  It's hard for any of us to pass one up when we see the signs.  Isn't that funny?  I just found a pair of nice jeans for myself the other day for $2.  You just can't do that at the mall. 


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