The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, September 7, 2012

School starts at Appletree...

These pictures were taken to mark Gage's first day in school.  He goes just on Fridays this year, and his teacher (see below) is Mrs. Zadrozny ("Miss Z").  He comes right in and takes off his backpack and usually gets right down to "work" (play dough, puzzles, blocks, cars, etc.), though he's still asking me from time to time if I'll stay and play with him.  While the boys are in school on Fridays, I'm trying to jam as much as possible into three hours of freedom--appointments, exercise, errands--before I'm back to pick them up and hear about each of their fun school experiences.  They're both quiet for a minute until one decides to start telling me a story, at which point the other one decides that it's the opportune time to do the same, and then inevitably we get Gage saying, "But, Gav, I'm trying to tell a story" even if he wasn't yet.  I really want to teach them to be good audiences for each other, and that's a work in progress.  Any suggestions?


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