The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Raking leaves (day 2)...

Oh, how I miss Gage's long, healthy hair when I see this picture of him.  I took him to get it cut the other day (Great Clips during a $7.99 promotion), and the gal who cut it didn't really take much off.  But, unfortunately, when I went back then next day to get it "fixed", the next woman took off enough for three hair cuts.  His hair was butchered, and I'm getting a lot of flat top/army comments these days, as if I didn't feel bad enough.  (Several others have called him handsome with his new cut, and I feel like they must be kidding.)  He looks two years older right now.  I can't wait for it to grow back--and thank God our boys' hair grows so fast and furious--and I fear that I may not cut it for the next year.  Call it PTSD if you must...

I love this shot!  Did I take it?  Gavin is such a fun-loving ball of energy and emotions.  He's such a doll...when he's not pestering his little brother or falling apart at the seams when his Lego fire truck just broke.  I know, I know:  It's all part of the package.  And I wouldn't trade the GEK package for all the rice in China.


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