The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Monster Truck Jam - Part 2 of 2

Here is Gage a bit better in the show and as you can see he seems to be enjoying himself a bit better.  He kept his blue ear plugs in the whole time, though it was still pretty loud even through them.

Here is Gavin's representation of what he thinks of the whole show.  He obviously didn't have a good time.  Clay is behind him again.  They chowed down on all sorts of healthy stadium foods like cotton candy, french fries, and dip'n'dots. 

Here is "Tall Tyler" and his kids with Gavin after the show.  We figured the parking lot was going to be a zoo so we waited around to let everything clear out a bit.

Here is one final pictures of the boys with me.  We had a great time and I was glad that I could do something unusual with the guys that they will look back on some day.  Hopefully as I get finished with my MBA program we can do more family weekend outings like this as the guys just love the adventure part of it.


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