Extreme Altitude...
We have a local gymnastics place (Extreme Altitude) that offers "Mommies Mornings Out" for kids to come play for an hour-and-a-half while parents chill on the sidelines or go run errands. I usually meet up with another mom, and we talk on the side and help the kids on the equipment from time to time. The boys love it, as you can imagine.
A semi-new discovery is this idea of sitting in the rings and having Mama push. It's pretty fun, I have to say.
Oh, I'm going to miss this little posse next year when the kids are in different classes or totally different schools :( These pairs of siblings get along quite well and have a lot of fun together. Below Gavin is Callie, one of Gavin's best friends, and his little brother, Bode, is sitting below Gage. Bode and Gage will both be at Apple Tree again next year, but Gage will be in the a.m. class and Bode in the p.m. one. And Callie will be at a local charter school (Prospect Ridge Academy), and we think that Gavin will be attending our neighborhood school, Mountain View Elementary. It's been so fun for me to see how hard Gavin makes Callie laugh and how the little guys have become real friends this past year. I really hope that they will remain friends!
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