The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, November 3, 2013

ABC Climbing Class

Our boys have certainly grown more confident and improved their climbing skills over the eight week class session.  I remember the first time Gage was using the auto-bole (which he is above), he was very scared to let go of the wall so that the device would lower him all the way down.  Now he climbs up with ease and does tricks on the way down.

I love this picture of Gage as he looks back to find Mom watching him from across the room.  He has some amazing natural ability and is so strong through his shoulders and arms.  He must obviously get this strength from his Dad. 

This picture actually shows Gavin and Gage both climbing at the same time next to each other.  Gavin is coming down on the purple wall, which Gage is just about at the top on the right of the gray wall.

What has been also great about this program is how much they have been learning about the climbing basics.  Here is Gavin learning how to bole someone.  They girl on the wall is basically relying on Gavin to bole her correctly in case she falls, although coach Alex has a hand on the rope still just in case.  This is pretty amazing that Gavin is already learning to do some of these types of things at such a young age.  He has really loved the experience, but we are continuing to work with him to make sure he is a good listener and under control while listening to his coach.


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