The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bowling at Boondocks with Mommy...

The boys and I made the discovery of the free-pass-on-your-birthday at Boondocks, and we're hooked.  It's too much fun and too close to our house to be much of a question, really. 

Gavin is making an X after his strike.  He was more engaged in this bowling game than his younger brother, whose birthday we were celebrating that day on January 9th.  Our little boy is four years old!

The boys use a ramp that makes the game pretty fool-proof, considering that there are also bumpers up during kids' games.  Gavin and I were into it, but Gage was ready to move on about half-way through our game. 

Ooh, this one looks like a strike waiting to happen!  After bowling there are tons of cool "token games" that the boys enjoy playing, and the birthday boy gets 20 free tokens, which Mommy swiftly divvies up so that everyone can play.  And then my scavenger son (aka Gavin) always seems to find other tokens hiding under/behind games, and that becomes as much fun as the games themselves.  I remember it well. :)


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