The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Broomfield Soccer Club (Gavin)

Gavin really likes soccer!  I was really thrilled that he liked the outdoor stuff right away, considering that he hadn't really missed it when I asked him about playing more soccer in Boulder. 

The cold didn't bother Gavin, though in Gage's defense I will add that most of Gavin's games were later in the day when it had warmed up a bit in most cases.  An extra bonus for Gavin was that he had a classmate, Tommie, on his team.  Gavin was like the MVP on The Fire Dragons, and he quickly got used to the pattern of scoring and then immediately being asked to sit out for a bit to allow his teammates to score, too.  (I'm sure that there are technical terms for this, so I'm probably butchering this with my descriptions.  This is what we get for letting the less sports-minded person write the soccer entries.)

The grandparents were faithful attendees of the soccer games, even in frightfully cold conditions.  Here Pam ("Grandma Mike") is holding Gage to keep him warm, and Bob ("Grandpa Mike") is sitting behind them. 


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