The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Grader in the House!

Bless his little heart, Gavin was SO ready for summer to be over and school to begin.  It's official, Folks:  We now have a first-grader in the house! And we're so glad that we decided to send Gavin to our neighborhood school, Mountain View Elementary, which is a whopping two minute walk from our door step.  

This is Gavin's first-grade teacher, Mrs. Powell, and he has loved her and her camping-themed classroom every day since he started school.  It feels like we should have already been used to Gavin being gone for so long since he was in full-day Kindergarten last year, but for some reason (several, really) Gage and I have really been noticing his absence in the afternoons.  Gage is only in school 'til 11:30, and last year we kept him in Enrichment 'til 2 three days a week, so he didn't have much time to miss Big Bro.  But this year, Gage asks several times a day, "Is it 2:30 yet?  When is it time to go pick up Gavin?"  My, how he loves his brother!  And misses him, too!  It's felt strange to have the boys at two different schools for the first time ever.  We'll probably start Gage in Mountain View next year (Kindergarten already!) and then they'll be back to being under the same roof. 


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