The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Andersen Farms - Part 1 of 2

My (Brent's) work decided they wanted to do some family team building time, so we arranged a trip to Andersen Farms in Erie, CO.  We hadn't ever been there but had heard really neat things about what you can do there.  When you walk in, the first thing we ran into were these pedal powered go-carts.  The kids immediately jumped on and started driving around the course.  Here is Gage plodding along in the #7 car.

There was a slightly larger size cars to pedal around for bigger kids and adults.  Here I am showing Gavin how it's done.  You can see Gavin getting dusted behind me.

Eventually, Gavin and Gage wanted to both ride on the same cars so Gavin jumped over to Gage's track.  They had a great time racing against each other and all around the other kids.

There was also an enormous corn maze on site.  They had four or five different paths you could go on with different lengths (0.5 miles, 1.0 miles, 2 miles, 4 miles, and 6 miles).  I can't imagine undertaking a 6 mile corn maze route while the sun is setting and its getting darker and darker.  Maybe that is for the truly adventurous.

Here is a family pick in the corn maze.  They kids had a great time and it was actually a beautiful evening to be running around at the farm.


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