The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, March 27, 2015

YMCA Spring Break

The boys and I really love the YMCA camp in Estes Park, and this was either our third or fourth time up there together.  They really get me with their buy-two-nights-and-get-the-third-night free deal, and this time we got our own mid-sized cabin.  We may have finally figured out the best situation for our family: I go up with the boys for two nights, and then Brent joins us for the third night and some family memory-making for the daytime he's with us.  This gives me plenty of time to do all the busy arts-and-crafts and other fun that the boys and I like to do that's awesome and totally exhausting before Daddy arrives.

Daddy arrived just in time on Friday for the build-your-own-boat (out of nature and a few other helpful things) activity that culminated in a boat race down a "river" on the YMCA property.  The boys had so much fun doing it, and I'm glad that Brent could be there for it.  And, of course, Gavin was so competitive about the whole informal deal, even though every boat got instantly caught in the sticks and debris of the stream.

I think I may have caught this pensive pic of my youngest son when he was taking a little break on the roller rink.  My boys insisted on going to the ghetto roller skating rink every single day, and I think we went twice one day just to make sure that Daddy got a piece of that action, too.  (I noticed that Brent conveniently left out the hilarious pictures of him re-living his glory days on the rink!)  It was fun to see both Gavin and Gage loving it this year!

We always love to see the elk up in Estes.  And this time we spotted elk and deer right behind our cabin, which was fun.  I love the sights and smells of the mountains, and I'm so thankful that the boys share that delight with us.


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