The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Jersey Trip - Part 2 of 6

There were so many beautiful hydrangeas in New Jersey.  These were some in front of our house.  Brent and I like these because they remind us of our wedding flowers. 

Uncle Adam wasted no time getting down to football business with the boys.  Shortly after this picture was taken, Adam nearly dumped Gavin in the grass, so they decided it best to keep everyone's feet on the ground.  

Gage found a GIANT bike in the garage (and apparently no helmet), so Grandpa Bruce tried to spot him on a quick jog in front of the house.  Gage couldn't even mount the bike on his own, so this little adventure was slightly scary for Mommy and Daddy.

Gavin was instantly very found of Uncle Adam's girlfriend, and both Adam and Devan were so good with all the kids.

For most of our family dinners, the adults ate at the dining room table featured in this picture, and the kids ate together at a table in the kitchen.  Emily got lots of practice cooking for 12 of us!  (And Uncle Adam eats enough for three average people!!!)  Notice that Uncle Adam is shirtless, a regular occurrence during our visit.


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