The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Track & Field Day

Rumor had it that good old fashioned track 'n field day was a thing of the past, but Mountain View's new P.E. teacher had other ideas.  At the end of the school year, he brought it back with flair!  I volunteered at a station that involved blindfolds and water, and it was so fun to have the boys come visit my station with their classmates. 

Gavin's sitting with his classmates in the black hat, sort of in the middle of the picture.  He had so much fun that day!  Their music teacher was the DJ (and he was a hoot on the mic!), and lots of parents and the PE teacher's former students volunteered, which was cool.

The highlight of the day for the older kids (I guess it was everyone except for Kindergarteners, so Gage didn't get to participate) was the tug-of-war at the end of the day.  Each class was paired up with another class of the same grade and matched up against the other two classes of the same grade.  So in the picture above, Gavin is mightily pulling the rope with his second-grade peers, desperately trying to out pull the rival second-grade classes.  Unfortunately, his side lost, but they all had a blast!  And I think he had about as much fun just sitting on the sidelines and cheering for the other classes, which was fun to watch.  I'm really glad I got to be there that day.


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