Lucky Pie Bike Race
The Lucky Pie Bike Race continues to deliver year-after-year great experiences for kids on bikes. Gavin finally aged out, as he has a bike racing license and has raced as a JM 9-10, but we got to watch Gage race for all the pride and glory of the family. He was lined up with a fairly good crew to race against.
As a reminder, this course is almost a mile long and the kids did a whole lap. They are actually gone for a few minutes as they head around course. Here is Gage coming around toward the finish line. He raced hard and came in all smiles.
Afterward, all the kids get ice cream that finish the race (and some that didn't race if their younger brothers did awesome). I also raced later in the day and had a pretty fun race in the SM3 race, but finished in the middle of the pack. Looking forward to next years race already!
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