The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Gage and Gavin Soccer Weekend

Gavin is continuing to learn how to move around on a bigger field with seven on seven.  He typically plays either outside back or outside midfielder.  Above is some fierce defensive work by Gavin.

After halftime, he is ready to kickoff and compete again.

Here is Gage still playing four on four.  We are quite ready for next fall's season because this field seems too tiny for him.  At least the weather this spring has been very nice and enjoyable for a change.  I remember last year had a bunch of snow storms, and sometimes the kids were playing in snow suits.

With the age changes, Gage is definitely at the top end of the age curve.  As you can see, he continues to be almost a head taller than most of the kids he plays with and against!  Yep, he's ours: Gage the Giant. 


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