The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Florida Summer Trip - Day 2 Part 2

After the ice cream, we continued onto the lighthouse and pier.  Here is a picture from the pier that turned out to be pretty cool.  There were many people fishing that were catching crazy amounts of fish.  One guy was fishing for bait fish with six or seven hooks on a little rod that he would dip into the water for no more than 20 seconds and would pull up several fish the size of a silver dollar that he would then use to throw off on the other end of the pier on a hook.  The other fishermen were pulling out 18" mackerels and other similar fish almost every few minutes.  This is something that the pelicans obviously took note of and were fighting to steal each catch.  We also ended up seeing a giant sea turtle swimming about 30 yards away that was close to the size of our dinner table.  Pretty amazing!

Over near the lighthouse we found this land tortoise scrounging around for some weeds to munch on.  Gavin tried to help him out and picked him some fresh looking leaves, but the tortoise didn't see to want any help.  We watched him for a while and then let him head on his way.

Last item on the day's agenda was to try to catch a nice sunset.  The hard part is that Sanibel island is curved and shaped kind of like a banana oriented Northwest to Southeast, which meant that we had to walk a few miles up the coast to see the sun set over the ocean and not just over some hotels.

As we got closer, we realized we weren't really going to make it but it was a valiant effort.  A bit hot still, but its hard for a sunset walk on the beach to not be pretty awesome.

Here is a picture of Tara and I that Gavin took as the sun went down behind us. 


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