The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, May 25, 2020

Bolder Boulder - Solo Style

    The Bolder Boulder was cancelled this year due to COVID-19, but this has become such a tradition for us that I decided to take the kids in an run it anyways by ourselves.  There's a bit of risk with this, in that obviously all 50,000 people can't show up and make the same decision we did so we tried to make it a bit different but still keep the same feel.  Many years ago the course actually started in a different location (you came South down 30th instead of North up it for most of the first mile) so we ran the traditional old course and we also started a bit later in the mid-morning than early like the normal race.  After the first mile or so, though it joins up and for the most part follows the same course with a few minor differences.  In any case, here we are all prepped at the pre-race!  Gavin also brought his traditional headband.

         We started rolling and clicking off the miles together without seeing too many other runners doing the same thing.  At most there were five or six people that we saw out running, but what was better was that some of the lawn parties were still going on as normal and we got quite a lot of cheers as we ran through the back neighborhoods.  Unfortunately, nobody was out with doughnuts, Doritos, or Cotton Candy but we survived.  We came through at about 1:06:00 (with some stops for stop lights) which was probably a record for Gage but maybe a bit slower for Gavin than last year but we had a blast.  After a two to three mile walk from the stadium back to the car we enjoyed some nice mini-Dr. Peppers to finish our own private celebration.  I love being able to take these guys and have experiences like this and keep the traditions alive...even when live is crazy.


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