The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Moab - Day 1, Part 2

There were many opportunities to find little caves and outcroppings to climb and explore along the trail.  In fact, the trail we followed kind of disappeared for a bit as we followed this river which was all the more delight to these two.  They hate having to stick to a confined trail and so they were in heaven.  At one point, the trail really started to go into some narrows where the river was flowing down and we didn't feel comfortable continuing as it would have required us to start wading upstream in the river itself.  So, we turned around and continued the adventure back down a slightly different trail.

These guys found one more rocky overhand they could rest under before we got back to the car.  The end verdict was that the hike was a massive success for all involved.  We hiked about 3.4 miles and it took us just under two hours with all of our stopping and exploration along the way.  With that being done, we continued on for the last two hours toward our place in Moab.

Our Airbnb place was called The Slickrock Retreat and featured a nice 3 bedroom condo just on the southwest outskirts of town.  Besides each of us getting our own bedrooms, the draw was a nice kitchen and a pool/hot tub for the kids to enjoy.  The pool wasn't actually supposed to open until April but we were pleasantly surprised by a full pool and many people occupying it.  Of course, after hauling our stuff up to the third floor, the kids immediately went down to jump on in.  I will say that the town of Moab is starting to get significantly more commercialized with tons of prominent hotel chains popping up everywhere.  Traffic was also as bad as I have seen it, though it has been almost 10 years since I have been back.

 Here is Gavin and Tara getting ready for bed after some swimming, though not sure what this look is all about.  He had his own comfy room with a view of the pool and a little TV on the dresser just out of the picture frame.


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