The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Kansas Road Trip - Part 2 of 3

We never quite know what the plan is when we come to Kansas to visit, but the crew was up for hitting the nearby lake for some boating action.  These two guys are always willing to jump in water they find and we made some attempts to get them up on waterskis for the first time ever.

This is actually Gavin getting up on his third attempt!  He ski'd around for a few minutes until we turned and he didn't quite know how to navigate going over the wake created by turning and bailed.  Quite impressive and we got it on film as proof!  Gage made a few attempts as well and got close, but couldn't get all the way up.

Here is a picture of the boys and Tara setting up in the front of the boat.

Uncle Ron is navigating while Gage drives the boat across the lake.  Gage did a great job and is looking very serious as he concentrates!

 After the lake trip, we hit the typical Sonic on the way home and had a picnic dinner in the parking lot.


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