The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Gavin's Second Heart Surgery

Almost two years ago, Gavin had a heart ablation surgery to address a condition he had called AVNRT (Atrial Ventricular Non-Reentrant Tachycardia) which would cause his heart to start racing at times.  It helped with his condition, but he was still having a few episodes every now and then.  We talked to Gavin about what he would like to do.  Would he like to try another surgery (something they told us would be an option if the first one didn't take) or would he want to pursue taking medicine (something he might have to do for the rest of his life)?  While either choice had pros and cons, at least we knew that the condition isn't life threatening.  Gavin elected to try for another surgery so here we are for round two!

The first time, it was really tough watching him be put under general anesthesia and then being wheeled away.  This time we had been through before so it wasn't quite as scary, but we were hopeful that this time would really fix the issue.  The surgery in the end was a great success and the doctors felt very strongly that they had been able to take care of the problematic cells.  This should ensure a much better quality of life for him playing sports moving forward.  So thankful for all the amazing doctors at Children's Hospital in Denver.


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