Capital Grille
If you have not had the pleasure of eating at the Capital Grille, I would highly recommend figuring out a way to get here! This place is probably the nicest steak house I have ever been to and (apparently) has private liquor lockers that people store their expensive alcohol for the next time they return. I was actually here for a work celebratory dinner with several of my colleagues for a big project that we had completed.
I had a Filet Mignon steak with garlic mashed potatoes. It was amazing! We also ordered some other side dishes for the table that we didn't quite finish, and I brought Tara home some grilled Brussel Sprouts which see quickly stated that they were the best she had ever had. Apparently, lots of good wine was also had this night by the crew, but I am a cheap date and had a simple cranberry juice.
I am thankful to work for a company where we work hard but also really celebrate that hard work. Thanks, Leprino Foods, for a great dinner and night out on the town!
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