The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, March 3, 2023

Vegas Soccer Tournament - Day 2

When you book these trips, you don't quite know when your actual games are scheduled until a few weeks before the games start so you have to book travel preparing for all possibilities.  As it turns out, we ended up not having a game on the first day, so we scheduled some practice time at one of the local "parks".  With there being drought type conditions, and perhaps the time of year here, it seemed like there was more dirt than grass on our grass field.  They guys didn't mind too much and were happy to get in a formal training session and knock the ball around.

We had all of the guys from our team and also brought up three 2011s from the top team that is a year younger to play with us and get some experience as well.

After some lunch, we hit up the local movie theatre for the afternoon to watch a movie and then send the kids to bed on the early side to prepare for the games tomorrow.  I think we were essentially the only people in the whole theatre, which was probably for the best because these guys were a bit rowdy.

On the way home, I stopped by the actual tournament fields to try to do some recon on what type of conditions we were likely to see.  The grass was a bit better on the actual fields, but still pretty sparse grass everywhere.  At least the fields looked to be fairly flat and smooth!


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