The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, July 3, 2023

Grand Lake Trip

This was a full great day trip up to Grand Lake to visit my sister, Jackie, and her family, as well as my dad who was in town visiting.  With July 4th just around the corner, the weather is perfect up in these parts.  They had a nice campsite right next to the water where they were staying with all the water toys and fancy camping gear.

Here is Tara and Gavin taking a quick spin in two-person kayak.  I think this mostly went well, but sometimes the backseat driver has a bit too much advice for the person in the front of this kayak!

Karl grilled up some burgers for us all and here we all are getting ready to eat a nice lunch.

As you can see the view isn't terrible!  

Our guys always have a great time when we can extract them from the city life and turn them loose in the wild.  Here is the whole crew together shortly before an afternoon rain and windstorm moved in.  With the change in weather, we wrapped things up and headed back home for the evening.  Thanks, Jackie, for inviting us and sharing all of the things!


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