And here the educator takes on her new role as Mommy Teacher, and Daddy even catches it on film. (By the way, isn't it hilarious the way that you start talking in third person the day your child is born? It becomes quite natural to say things like, "I think Mommy smells something. Aw, you were saving that diaper for Daddy, weren't you

?") Anyway, this picture captures the preciousness of Gavin's wake time, which will continue to lengthen as he does. (Side note: He was already 22 inches long at his one week appointment, and today--using our scale at home--my mom and I determined that he probably weighs about 11 pounds now! My dad put things into perspective the other day when I said to him, "Dad, can you believe that I have a one-month-old?" to which he responded, "Can you believe that
I have a 3o-year-old?" I am constantly reminded that I must enjoy each moment of my son's life and not wish even one second away.
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