*Uncle Zachie came for a visit in early November (that's how behind I am with this whole blog business), and he got to tuck his nephew in to bed after putting on his favorite yellow sleep sack. It's so fun to see my brother holding my son!*
So, true to my word--though a good half-month overdue--I'm writing to give you Gavin's 2 month stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 3 oz (90th percentile)
Length: 24 1/4 inches (90th percentile)
Head size: 15 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
Status: Growing and thriving, thanks be to God!
It's just crazy to us how quickly he grows and changes. Just today I got on the scale with him, and it appears that he's up to about 14 lbs. Here are his latest fascinations:
-Blowing milk and saliva bubbles
-Holding his head up and turning from side to side when he's on his tummy
-Smiling up a storm and starting to laugh too :)
-Singing with Daddy
-Focusing intently on the speaker in a conversation, especially if it's Mommy or Daddy :)