Peak 2 Peak
Now this was a great day of cycling together! I had always wanted to take Tara down one of my favorite stretches of mountain road to ride. The hard part it usually to get here involves about a 2.5 hour climb up to ward and then traversing over a bit via Peak 2 Peak. We had climbed to Ward once before, but Tara wasn't in for a ton more after that portion. So, for this ride we actually parked at the base of Lyons where this loop would normally dump out and road up the canyon just past Raymond for a loop and then turned around for the amazing winding ride down next to the river.
As you can see above, we were both in good spirits just before the turn around point and then ready to enjoy the amazing descent. Overall, the ride was a still a solid three-hour ride, so we got our money's worth. Tara was also rocking my other pair of glasses to ensure she looked "pro enough". Hopefully we get to do this ride again some time!
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