Rub-a-dub-dub, sweet Gavin fresh from the tub
*Is this an adorable robe or what? *Check out this precious little outfit!
Well, it's been a while since our last post, and suddenly we find ourselves with an energetic, little four-month-old. His last doctor's appointment was on Wednesday, and here are his current stats:
Length: 26 7/8 inches
Weight: 16 lbs 5 oz
Head size: 16 1/2 inches
Here is a quick list of Gavin's favorite hobbies:
-pulling Mommy's hair
-touching his feet with his hands
-trying to imitate us making a buzzing sound with our lips (you've got to see this one!)
-rolling around like a roley poley
-tasting all of his toys
What's new with Mom and Dad?
Brent: I have joined a cycling team ( and plan to race in the spring. This past week, the cold weather gear has been fully donned and has allowed me to have several nice long rides outside. It's great to get off the indoor rollers and to get some fresh air in between snow storms. As my soccer season is winding down, I am sporting a nice watermelon-sized, solid purple bruise on my upper thigh from being pelted with an errant shot from an opposing player. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will turn back to my normal skin color.
Tara: I am having fun at home and out with friends. Being Gavin's mom is a blast, though it has its trying moments, like say today when I got to change three poopie diapers while Gavin thought that sleeping was overrated...all day. I have also recently enjoyed getting back to my favorite step aerobics class and, on a totally random side note, got an awesome massage at Tapestry the other day with some of my Christmas money. I appreciate that Brent is staying at home with Gavin once in awhile to give me a break from Mommy duty.