The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Collection of pictures from this past month...

This past week was the first week we have attempted to feed Gavin solid foods. Crazy that he is already old enough to start that! His first solid food is rice cereal, which is kind of funny anyways because it ends up resembling something soup-ish more than anything solid. The first two days of attempting this, we seemed to get more on the outside of his face than inside his mouth. When we did manage to get some inside his mouth, he promptly would smile and push it back out with his tongue. The third day was met with some success though as I think he finally figured out that food is made for eating, and swallowed a few spoonfulls (we think). Fun times for sure!

This is Gavin playing with his Grandma Wills upstairs in his bedroom while Mom is getting a much needed break running some daytime errands.

Although not quite warm enough yet for the birthday suit to be worn out in the open, mom had him playing like this upstairs in his room. He sure is a little precious dude!

Gavin truly is fascinated by balloons. He just loves them and can't quite figure out how they just float there. He loves to try to catch and poke them. Here he is playing with a balloon with Mom.


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