Rockin' Baby!
*So these were more for show than anything else, but direct your attention to the man-sized baby shoes Daddy put on Gavin recently. (He does have big feet, but they're not that big!)
This baby is dangerously close to crawling, and Mama may bawl when he does! Why does he have to grow up so darn fast?! Brent already put in the safety gate at the top of the stairs, which was no safeguard against Gavin falling off of our bed yesterday :(...cuz we had no gate there. Talk about scary! Thankfully, God protected him, and I learned that I can't afford to turn my back on this busy baby. As you can see in the video clip, he is rocking back and forth on all fours a lot these days, and Brent and I were commenting today that he's actually mastered the art of crawling backwards. He looks like he's doing the Gavin Mooncrawl. I can hardly get him to stay still long enough to put a diaper on him these days! His other new tricks that we'll have to try to catch on video are waving--not that he has a real clue yet as to when to do it--and shaking his head "no"--and, again, I don't think he really gets that either. But, man, he's cute doing both of these new things!
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