The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy to be eating...

Although it's not always like this, sometimes you catch a glimpse of your child that just makes your heart melt. This shot was captured in between courses of green beans and some apple sauce. I (Brent posting) really have been impressed that Gavin has such an amazingly happy personality. He truly makes me laugh and smile when we get to play on the floor and roll around or chase each other back and forth between his bedroom and ours. One minute he is amazed by new things and concentrates so hard to take everything in, then the next minute he is right back to playing and romping around as a wild jungle man. I am definitely so thankful for our son and all the experiences he brings.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Brent racing in Niwot...

Here is a picture of me racing (in the red, white, and blue). This was actually a few laps before I crashed in the rain! I had been patrolling the top 10 places out of about 70 guys for most of this race until it rained in the last 5 minutes and I took a corner a bit too fast with it being wet and slippery. I mostly survived...with the exception of some skin missing from my side and hind quarters. The guy who ended up rolling over me and going over his handlebars probably got the worst of it. At least there is always next week to redeem myself!
If you look closely at the picture, you can actually see Tara and my Mom cheering for me in the background.