How could it be that we have a one-year-old? Sept 10 marked one whole year with our precious Gavin, and here he is reading his b-day card from his Great Aunt Randa. Anything with a dog on it, in it, around it or about it is A-OK for our son. (You'd think we were dog owners!)

He didn't quite know what to make of his first cupcake. He played with it more than he ate it, which I think we were both fine with, seeing as though that was more sugar than he'd had in his little lifetime. We were blessed to have our families here to celebrate with us. Thank you, all, for your generosity toward our dear son. He is so loved!

Gavin actually got a bigger kick out of feeding Mama and Dada the cupcake than eating it himself. The whole thing was somewhat of a mystery to him, but he smiled
big when we all sang him "Happy Birthday," and I think he knew that something special was happening and it might be about him.

These boys get told how much they look alike all the time, as you can well imagine. I just put together that one of the key features of their resemblance is the hair. Yes, it's the hair!

Brent and I have commented many times in the last year about how different our lives are now with Gavin, but whatever the sacrifices that parenthood requires, we wouldn't trade him for the world. We thank God for our baby son everyday.
Happy Birthday (a wee bit late!). Isn't it crazy how fast time goes?!?!?
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