The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kansas Road Trip

We recently took Gavin on his first road trip to Kansas to visit the relatives. First we drove to Norton--where Brent's extended family lives--and then to Goessel--where my aunt & uncle and grandpa live. In general, Gavin did great in the car and better than we expected in the pack 'n play for naps and nighttime sleep. This is a precious picture of Baby Mohawk (very pre-haircut) with his Great Grandma Koel:This picture was taken at what Brent referred to as "Ron and Patsy's Paradise Ranch":
Here's Gavincito with Great Uncle Ron...(Ron & Patsy aren't sure what they think of the "Great" part of this title, but maybe it would help if they just thought of it as a synonym for wonderful.)
Ron & Patsy have a really fun, rather large inflatable pool in their backyard. Here we are enjoying the coolness of the water in the 1000 degree Kansas heat + humidity:
The Kansas trip marked Gavin's debut of the word "dog," though his version is much cuter: "dah." He has five words now: dog, bye-bye, Mama, Dada (my personal favorite) & ball.


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