The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Little Chipmunk...

Recently, Gavin has just had 4 teeth on the top decide to come in all at once and join the two bottom teeth he already had. We hope this might explain his interesting sleep patterns as of late. Here is a picture of him gnawing on his crib mid-stance, which is his other latest trick. He started pulling himself up and standing in the last few weeks. What's funny is that before mastering standing while holding on with two hands, he has already moved on to trying to stand holding on with only one hand and sometimes no hands at all (after flashing a quick grin over his shoulder toward Mom or Dad). He then promptly falls over and repeats the feat...what a little dare devil. Mom says he had too many "bonkies and bonkies" today, and I can believe it judging by the war wounds I came home to after work.


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