The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some recent pictures and thoughts...

*Dad's shoe is about 3/4 the length of Gavin's whole body! Of course, he finds the dirtiest stuff to be the most fun to play with!
*He loves to have his tongue hanging out of his mouth!
*Here Gavin is playing with his giraffe finger puppet from Noah's ark. I find that it is becoming more challenging to entertain him for long periods of time--and monitor him while he entertains himself--at this stage in his life. I am reminded of what a sweet, elderly woman, Wilma, said to me the other day at the park. (She takes care of her great granddaughter every day...and has since Grace was born four years ago!) She was talking about young people and their view of parenthood--and even "grandparenthood" as she referred to Grace's grandma--and she said, "They know how much work it is, but they don't know that it's the most important work that they'll ever do." I am humbled by these words. I know that Gavin is certainly a precious gift from God, and I will choose to remember that my "work" with him every day matters to His creator and to all of you who love him.


Blogger Goodworth Family said...

LOVE seeing these pictures - so wild that he is into everything now - babyproof madness, eh? He looks so much like a mix of Zack and Brent (guess that makes sense since Zack is a male version of you T!) Love it!

May 6, 2008 at 10:43 PM  

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