The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, June 27, 2008

Father's Day Festivities...

Can you see the family resemblance here? We were just commenting that Gavin and Brent have similar eyes and earlobes :) but Brent was saying that the shape of his ears is like mine. (I will add that it also seems like Gavin's face is more like mine since ours are more round than Brent's, but other than that I don't really see a lot of me in my son yet.)
These pictures were all taken up at my dad's place outside of Loveland on Father's Day. "Grampa T" was game to hold his grandson until the little guy got too squirmy, and then it was right back to Mommy. Gavin loved the sight and sounds of the fast-flowing river that runs behind my dad's house.
This place was a crawling haven for our son! He loved the open spaces of grass, the gardens full of flowers, the fountains dripping water and the rabbits in the yard. Brent put him down in the grass to chase after a bunny at one point, and Gavin seemed so confused when the bunny darted off in the opposite direction. Go figure! I guess the rabbit might not have wanted Gavin to put his fingers in his mouth or up his nose and pull on his fur.


Blogger Megan said...

That is a great picture of Brent and Gavin...

June 28, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

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