The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Washing the car...

It does NOT get any cuter than this, just in case anyone is curious. Gavin had a HAY DAY (is that how you'd spell that?) washing the car with Daddy recently, and I was just the photographer. He basically loves water any way that he can get it, so that made this activity a good one. Daddy taught Gavin what to do with the hose and the sponge, and I tried to teach him how to dump out the dirty water in the bucket and put new water in.
Can you see his excitement for this new experience? I LOVE this part of parenthood!
Gavin was so proud of himself for helping Mommy & Daddy clean the cars. He was soaking wet when he was done, so it was perfect timing for his other favorite water activity--a bath.
Yep, it just does NOT get any cuter than this!


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