The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Walking his pet mouse...

You've just got to love this picture of Gavin walking his pet mouse! He has loved playing with the old mouse and keyboard from our former computer, and I was sort of proud of myself for catching him in action here.

Fun with leaves

Gavin's been playing hide-and-seek in these aspens in our front yard. We got an 8 x 10 of this picture, because why not?!
He had a good time playing in the leaves before Daddy finally got them all raked and sucked up. What a project!
He really loved running through them and hearing them crunch beneath his feet.
I LOVED watching him try to use the rake, with and without Daddy. He really wants to help!

Halloween adventures...

Can you even believe this t-shirt? I mean, really, what do you do with that?! I decided that it was the perfect attire for the layer under Gavin's dog suit, for obvious reasons.
Here Mommy smothers her baby puppy with kissies, right before he begins enthusiastically ringing our neighbors' door bells and running into their houses when they open the door. He didn't really get the candy part of trick-or-treating, but we encouraged him to pick wisely nonetheless since Mommy and Daddy understood that part real well.
This was about the only picture that Gavin would let us take with his dog head actually on his head. He had more like a dog hoodie for the rest of the time, which we could predict since we know how much he dislikes anything on his head. (It didn't help, I will admit, that the dog suit was a wee bit too small for the lad, so he kinda had to hunch down to get the doggie head on at all.)

Earlier in the day his dog suit was just a friendly companion that appeared next to him--not on him- in pictures.