The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Indeed, we have SO much to be grateful for! Here's our family picture taken right before our very first family Thanksgiving feast. Now by that I mean that we actually cooked our own turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. in our own home. (Brent and I both admitted that our turkey-in-a-bag lacked some major flavor, so please feel free to suggest some turkey secrets if you have any.) It seemed like a lot of work to cook all of that for just the three of us, but it was fun, and we still have left-overs. I have to give Brent props because he really ended up cooking 98% of the meal while I chased Gavin around 98% of the time and held him so that he could see what Daddy was doing. We may have a chef on our hands, I tell you! Gavin always wants to know what's going on in the kitchen. He even helped Grammie stir with a whisk when we celebrated Thanksgiving with family on Saturday.
Look at our tough little Bronco!
Wow! I mean, look at Gavin in this get-up!!! Daddy dressed him for church, and I really don't think that it can get much cuter than this!
I'll take credit for having cut Brent's head off in the above picture, but I know that I really can NOT take credit for how absolutely precious and adorable our son is. That's all God, folks! Thank you, Lord, for our beautiful son whom You've given us to love and adore. Y'all can probably tell that I admire God's handiwork in our son quite often.


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