The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Picking pumpkins...

I can honestly say that, prior to this day, I had never actually chosen my pumpkin from a real pumpkin patch and cut it from the vine. It was fun, and Gavin chose a good one for us.
What a fun experience! We had to laugh later, though, when we realized that we had simply parked at the first sight of pumpkins, failing to realize that the more orange, mature, pretty :) pumpkins were actually further down the road....and that's why all the cars were parked there when we were leaving. Yeah, come to think of it, there was more green in our area than orange. How did we miss the sea of orange ahead? Oh well, Gavin didn't know the difference.
Here's Daddy and Gavin cutting our pumpkin off of the vine.
Are they cute or what?
I can't remember what, exactly, Gavin was pointing to here. A tractor? The inflatable slide that he could see from the pumpkin patch? The better pumpkins that we had missed driving in? Surely not.


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